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Sewage Treatment Systems Update

Update Effective 12/01/2024:

The Director of the Ohio Department of Health has notified the Noble County Health Department Board of Health the following: The Noble County Health Department is no longer approved to operate the Sewage Treatment Systems program in Noble County. This is in accordance with RC 3718.07 and OAC 3701-29-04(H), due to non-compliance in operation of the program. In accordance with RC 3701.13(E), the Director of the Ohio Department of Health hereby reassigns authority for implementation of the program in Noble County to the Cambridge-Guernsey County Health Department. The Ohio Department of Health will partner with the Guernsey and Noble County Health Departments to reestablish the capacity for the Noble County Health Department to resume operations of the program in the future. If you have any sewage system needs, please call the Guernsey County Health Department at (740)-439-3577 extension 7229 or email rmurphy@guernseycountyhd.org


If you have concerns, please contact Heidi Sano at (740)-732-4958 extension 6335, or email Heidi.sano@noblecohd.org or the Ohio Department of Health Residential Sewage Program at (614)-644-7551 or sewage@odh.ohio.gov