Program Information

Public Health And Emergency Preparedness

The preparation for and response to any emergency or natural disaster requires the cooperation of many local agencies. The Noble County Health Department, through the Emergency Response Program, plays a vital role in preventing the spread of disease, protecting against environmental health hazards, providing public health information, implementing responder safety and assuring the availability of quality health services following an emergency.

Noble County is exposed to hazards with the potential to cause damage, injury, causalities and a disruption in the community. The Public Health Emergency Response Program (PHEP) has enabled the health department to construct, test and implement preparedness plans specific to Noble County as well as to collaborate with the local Emergency Management Agency (EMA), Law Enforcement, Fire Departments, Health Care Providers and neighboring public health agencies to coordinate planning, response, and training to ensure Noble County is prepared for the response to all potential disasters.


Department Info

Address: 44069 Marietta Rd. Caldwell, OH 43724
Phone: (740) 732-4958

Preparedness Begins With You

Emergency preparedness is everyone’s responsibility. We can all take small steps today for a safer tomorrow for ourselves and our community. Check out the Resources to the right for additional information.


Department Info

Address: 44069 Marietta Rd. Caldwell, OH 43724
Phone: (740) 732-4958